Meet the Makers

The Minds Behind the Project

     As promised; here's a little information on the people behind this project. It's an informal introduction, but now there will be no confusion as to what "we" means.

                               Nitish Gupta
Nitish Gupta's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, sky and outdoor
Nitish Gupta, is a first year mechanical engineering student at Drexel. He has been
working with robots for the past three years focusing mainly on the mechanical and
engineering aspects of the robots. He has worked with LEGO NXT and EV3, Arduino and
Raspberry Pi in the past, making him familiar with the mechanical and electrical design


Korede Aderele
Korede is a freshman Computer Engineer here at Drexel. He grew up in Lagos, Nigeria but applied to study in several US universities, eventually opting to study at Drexel due to scholarship opportunities. He is skilled in several programming languages and tools and, as a result, excels in everything concerning computers and coding. He is also an active member of several ethnic and professional organizations on campus.


Christopher Uzokwe

Christopher Uzokwe is a student at Drexel university studying Computer Engineering. He found his place at Drexel after hearing of the many opportunities offered through co=op. In his free time he indulges in video games and friends, and he is also a member of the University's chorus.


Donovan Kelly
Donovan Kelly is a student at Drexel University studying Mechanical Engineering. He had learned of Drexel through robotics team alumni on his high school robotics team. With research Donovan found the school to have a great Co-op program, as well as, a mechanical engineering program. In his spare time he exercises, hangs out with friends, goes on walks to the rocky steps or Cira Green, and eats. Donovan is a part of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
